This application isolates tasks into sub distinctive tasks and relegated it to various
project users(employee) and until all subtask complete we included the limitation that
principle parent task won't complete. you can see all the subtasks of the fundamental
parent task and do the task appointment for it.

This Module Enables Sub-Task Feature In Project Module. In This Module, You Can
Split Your Task Into Subtasks.

This Cybrosys custom module is available here.  Free to use Make us Happy :)

This customized module brings SUB-TASK  forms and its configuration for projects with configured stages. A user can also analyze the subtasks under the project-reporting menu dynamically. It includes mainly following features.

- Sub-task Feature for Project.
- Sub-Task Lists Under Task.
- Sub-Task Count in Task Kanban View.
- Sub-Task Stages in Configuration.
- Sub-Task Analysis under Report.
- Deadline Validation for Sub-Task.
- Stage Validation for Sub-Task.

We can create sub-tasks to allowed projects only. If you give permission to
use subtask for a project then you can assign sub-tasks for a task that belongs to this

Subtask in Odoo

Subtask in Odoo

This Module Enables Sub-task feature in Project Module.



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