Perfil de Samir Dash

Advance Filter Control [Wireframe] (2017)

This is an OpenSource project and can be accessed at GitHub issue

Also at InVison:

This project is about coming up with a advanced filter for Applications across Openshift and related application. This involved reviewing the patterns available at PetternFly and come up with a solution that can be at a later point of time, split into atomic units of pattern and be available as generic solutions. 

•GOAL 1 - The information should be searchable for each end-node individually as typical search should provide search using “OR” relationship
•GOAL 2 - The user should be able to search using multiple end nodes across different combinations across different levels. 
•GOAL 3 - However the user should also be search using multiple end-nodes based on “AND” relationship when needed.
•GOAL 4 – The Filters query  can be complex and the user should be able to modify and create it
•GOAL 5 – The user should be able to save the queries for future use.
Advance Filter Control [Wireframe] (2017)

Advance Filter Control [Wireframe] (2017)
