Profil appartenant à Alee Crook

Public Service Campaign

Public Service Campaign

The campaign I wanted to do was about education. I originally had three different designs before I focused on one design and made a campaign out of it.
I decided to go with the jail cell and and a key showing that education was the key to not going to jail. Here are my three final designs.
Each of these designs are focused in a jail cell, and each has a key to get out of jail. The bottom picture is the most obvious. The key is education. The second one was the most difficult. I didn't want to just take a photo because the other ones weren't photos and I wanted them to seem like they were all connected and in a group. I put a prisoner in an orange jumpsuit and they are reading a book, or in other words, they are getting educated. Inside of the book is the key to get them out.

The first picture doesn't have any obvious connection to education besides the slogan found at the bottom of the poster. This one would be shown after the other two were shown. It has a lot of similarities to the other ones such as a bright colored key and a jail cell. I was originally going to have a stack of books against the wall so that the person could stand on the books to reach the key, but I didn't know if anyone would understand it.

I feel like I have a lot more to learn, but I did a lot better than I originally thought I would. I had a specific picture in my mind how I wanted these to turn out, but I am still a beginner and need a little more practice and time to accomplish that.

I feel like the biggest thing I learned was to keep it simple. I know that these could be simplified even more to make the message even more powerful. I also learned about ways that I could make completely different images seem like they go together and are connected.

As I go forward I want to continue to work on getting my designs to look more professional. I would like to spend more time researching current campaign posters to help me understand a little bit better what they are supposed to look like and how the designers make them look so professional while also sticking with their own style. I plan to continue to practice to make more designs that are even better than these.

Below are the mockups of my final designs.

Public Service Campaign
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Public Service Campaign

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