The Design first started with a sequence of sketches, then a rough from one of the sketches that I like. The rough is scan into a computer from their I trace the rough in Illustrator. Once that is done I move on to making the border like fringes of the stamp in Illustrator. The CMYK colors that I used are white, dark blue, mid light-blue, light blue, and yellow.
Originally the project was a practice for me on how to express a real-world problem through graphic design. I choose to do an issue on food insecurity in the U.S. since it is a complex problem. In the middle of the four-column postal stamp is a symbol of a keyhole which is used to express the solution to the problem of food insecurity. The colors of blue and yellow is to show negative emotions people go through when they are food insecure. White is to show what causes people to become food insecure and the negatives it has on their daily lives. What I want my postal stamps to express is the negative effects that food insecurity has on U.S. citizens and to motivate people to do something about it.
Postal Stamp
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Postal Stamp

For this project, we were asked to create a postal stamp with a continuous design expressing awareness of food insecurity in the U.S.

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