Skülly Avatar
A quick process from vector to texture

Clean vectors done in adobe illustrator. Always trying to keep as few points as possible and use long smooth bezier arcs as well as keeping points on horizontal and vertical tangents. My backup points are usually on 45 degree angles. Despite the wonky shapes, this helps keep things easy to adjust.
Colors get done in adobe illustrator, often I'll work in greyscale first to make sure my values are strong and contrast works. For this character I have a palette I use often since he's well defined. Normally it's just a lot of playing around.
I add some textural effects in illustrator, often with distort and transform tools. Roughen to be exact is my go-to. I also try to add a sense of motion and some fun details like all the shadows and some line work.
In photoshop I will bring in some more depth and texture. Often with subtle brushes ive made or ones ive gotten over the years. For this one theres a lot of kyle webster's markers as well as liam mckay's function brushes. 
Color correction in photoshop with color balance and overlays etc. Nothing fancy here.
Skully avatar - process / tutorial


Skully avatar - process / tutorial

A quick process / tutorial on a character
