Profilo di Leandra Meintjes

Cavendish Square Pitch Work

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While employed at Mustard Seed Relationship Marketing, I worked together with a team to create pitch work for Cavendish Square. I was responsible for all visual elements and the overall look and feel as seen below. 
Fashion category poster design
Fashion category poster design
Fashion category poster design
Fashion category poster design
Tech category poster design
Restaurant category poster design
Restaurant category poster design
Restaurant category poster design
Generic magazine cover design
Magazine cover design for Cavendish Square's 45th birthday
In order to increase spend in-centre, the team came up with a competition idea that will urge customers to do so. This target market typically loves to travel and they have a keen interest in the culinary arts, thus we decided that the grand prize should be a trip for two to Italy. Instead of a plain entry form, I decided to create a passport booklet in which customers can get stamps from various restaurants they’ve visited in-centre. As soon as they’ve visited all 7, they can enter to stand a chance to win.
Cavendish Square Pitch Work

Cavendish Square Pitch Work

Pitch work created for Cavendish Square. Posters were created for different retail categories such as fashion, tech and restaurants. Look and fee Leggi di più
