Lets Stick It To Ya
Welcome to another post that is full of sticky situations....this time I am showcasing some of the stickers that I have made. These stickers were based off of food puns. Can you guess what they are? If you can, that is great! If not, i'll explain. The left is french fry, the middle is onion ring, and the right is couch potato. Did you get them all? Congrats! But lets get to the process on how I came to these food puns.
The Sketches
This is the initial concept of the stickers. I have only drawn 10 because it was difficult to do crossovers of the food puns.
My First Draft
With my first draft, I was able to design some of the concepts of the puns I had drawn, and I thought they were pretty simple to make. So, I hopped onto illustrator, went to work and made the image above. These look not well done to me since but these were in the beginning stages. So a few of my friends gave me ideas and I was able to make improvements to these stickers.

These ideas were to add shadows to all of them, add some lines to the onion, and then remove the arms and legs from each of the puns. Also to make the potato more potato looking.
The suggestions that my friends have made improved my stickers a lot!  So I had some more feedback on how to improve them and improving the shadows was one of them. So a few others suggested that I should spice up the french fry, make the diamond more like a diamond, and make the couch look better.
This change was in the middle of the week. So I didn't make a whole lot. I made it so that the diamond was prettier and that the onion looked more like an onion.
Final Product
This is the final product. After some considerable amounts of changes to these stickers, they are complete. They are complete because the french fry looks french and is a fry, the onion looks tons better and the ring does too. Also, the couch looks better too. 
Food Puns

Food Puns



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