Hillel O'Leary profili

Brought to Light (MFA Thesis Exhibition)

Brought to Light was the culminating exhibition of my Sculpture MFA program at Penn State University. 

This interactive installation was created as a way to address the deep cognitive dissonance associated with America's denial of its origins. Through voice and light, my aim was to bring the truth out, and allow others to speak their truths. 

The video below by Alvaro Jordán highlights the key portions of the performances given by the myself and my fellow artist Xalli Zúñiga. You can find full transcripts of our readings at the bottom of the page. 
Huge thanks to Xalli, Alvaro, and Cody Goddard (for his excellent photography) for helping to realize this work. It could not have existed without you!

cast concrete, voice-activated light, wiring, microphone, wood, paint, ash, water.
installation view
wiring detail
ash detail
All above images by Cody Goddard
Hillel O'Leary:
Xalli Zúñiga reading "Los Heraldos Negros" by César Vallejo
Brought to Light (MFA Thesis Exhibition)
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Brought to Light (MFA Thesis Exhibition)

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