Akademiska Hus is one of the largest property companies in Sweden, focusing on universities and colleges. For this school project, the task was to design a tenant app for them, to be used by both employees and students at their campuses.
The app had to contain:

• News
• Information about disturbances
• General information such as maps, parking info, contacts, fire safety, etc.
• A form for submitting fault reports

Akademiska Hus also wanted the app to have the same graphic look and feel and as their website.
We (me and my classmate Julia) worked a lot with creating a logical grouping of all the different things the app contains, so that anything is always easy to find. I also tried to create the best user experience possible by adding various microanimations/interactions, as can be seen in the animation above.
Akademiska Hus Tenant App
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Akademiska Hus Tenant App

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