Helga Sierra's profile

Mural Commission in Lisbon, Portugal

Mural Commission in Lisbon, Portugal
Movement 5. 
Mural Commission for Lost Lisbon Cais House in Lisbon Portugal, June 2018. 

The Lost Lisbon guest houses are located in the heart of the city of Portugal and promoted and support artists from around the world. 

I was tasked with creating an intervention for the mural. 

In this case the colors were inspired by the colors in the city center of Lisbon, the shapes created by the movement of water, and the organic shapes I had just seen in Iceland, days prior to creating the mural. 

The mural was painted with water based Montana Colors spray paints, and to create textures, I diluted the paint with water and created different brush marks. 

The final details were added with paint markers.
Once on location, I saw a corner facing with lovely reading chair. I decide to continue the mural on to the corner to create more of a story around the room. 
While the colors match the color scheme in Lisbon, I also chose these softer colors so that the room inspired peace, as my shapes and marks tend to be more chaotic. 
Supplies of choice and view from the Alcantara Room in Lost Lisbon Cais House. 

www.lostlisbon.com, https://www.facebook.com/LostLisbon/
Mural Commission in Lisbon, Portugal

Mural Commission in Lisbon, Portugal

Mural commission for abstract art in a Lisbon guest house, featuring color, texture and motion.
