For this project, we were assigned a team of 6 people and given the task for creating a full scale transportation device out of paper, foamcore board and adhesive. The transportation device was chosen by our professor to be a Racing Hovercraft.

After doing some initial research and determining what we wanted our hovercrat to look like, we discovered many things about racing hovercrafts that were essential to making them as fast and aerodynamic as possible. We chose to keep the standard shape and front fan of the racing hovercraft, but to replace the rear propulsion fans with small turbines.
We drew the hovercraft in the 3D modeling program Rhino to get the dimensions for the body and figure out what shapes we needed to cut and build. The fan on the front and the fans on the turbines both could spin freely. The entire craft looked to be hovering because it had a stilt system that could not be seen holding the entire thing an inch off the ground.
Paper Hovercraft

Paper Hovercraft

A full-scale racing hovercraft made from paper, foamcore and adhesive.
