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Words Heal the World

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The online release of a document entitled Media Operative, You are a Mujahid Too, in April 2016, on the official propaganda channel on social networking of the group put on debate the media strategy used and how it frames the information war. Since the capture of Mosul in 2014, its strategy changed, becoming more appealing and investing in an avalanche of media products to insert Daesh into global public discourse.

The followers of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi weaponized the internet through three axes, with tripartite information arsenal. According to the study made by Charlies Winter, from the ICSR, these central messaging are made of an appealing narrative, messages that directly respond to the media campaign against Daesh and ofensive tatic. The media operatives first make an effort to change the status quo of negative aspects, using the so-called Islamic State Truth, with an alternative offer of existence that extend to the sympathetic audience as well, creating a participatory identity. Then, there´s a direct response to the media campaign and deceptive ways used to dishearten, alarm and discourage Muslims of joining Daesh. Finally, these operatives use the media as a psychological weapon that, in some extension, can even substitute military and terrorist attacks and have the power of an atomic bomb. In the report

The use of communication by Daesh to create a global consciousness of their existence is not new but there has been a shift in the technology used to spread it, with the inception of the Internet. Through the reading of the report Media Jihad: The Islamic State´s Doctrine Warfare ( It is possible to understand the impact of these media changes on the spread of extremist ideologies throughout the years:

In the document released by Daesh in April – studied by Charlie Winter – it is clear that, for the extremist group, the support from social media disseminators is equally important than the soldiers in Iraq and Syria. It´s a promise of a lower risk participation with the same impact of a material war. The battle on the media has become so important that once Musad al-Zarqawi, the erstwhile leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, said “We are in a battle and that more than half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of media”.

According to Charlie Winter, who wrote the report Media Jihad: The Islamic State´s Doctrine Warfare, “understanding the group´s approach to information warfare today is a requisite step towards preparing for its replicative manifestations in the future”.

By Ingrid Mariz

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              Many people in the international community consider Brazil a country free of extremist offenses. However, the number of people who denounced religious intolerance, especially in Rio de Janeiro, reached a number never seen before: 79 occurrences in 2016. Cases of religious intolerance denounced to the Human Rights Department, through the number 100, increased 119%. People from African Religions have been the common target as well as their religious centres.

              Concerned with this situation, the local government decided to offer psychological assistance to the victims of religious intolerance. The Office of Human Rights and Politics for Woman and Elderly of Rio de Janeiro state (SEDHMI) is in charge of this work, which was developed to contact the victims, make a first evaluation of the case and send them to the closest public health unity that will give them the appropriate treatment.

              The secretary of SEDHMI, Átila Nunes, explains some measures that have been adopted to raise awareness on the importance of the respectful treatment to people from different religions as an attempt to reduce the number of victims of religious intolerance:

Our goal is to make the victims recover from what they went through and also work with the Education Department to raise social awareness on religious intolerance and the Police to prevent other cases from happening and punish those involved in cases that already happened

               In partnership with the Department for Education, there is also a process in progress to make educational videos, highlighting the respect to all religions, which will be displayed in classes until the end of 2018.  This strategy has been motivated due to some cases of religious intolerance registered among children and teenagers, frequently during classes. It happened to Kethelyn Coelho.
               Kethelyn is a fifteen year old girl who suffered bullying because of her religion, the Brazilian candomble – an African religion that was brought to Brazil with the slaves. In August of this year, the school called her father, Leandro Coelho, because the girl was crying a lot due to her classmates calling her a fat “macumbeira” – a Brazilian pejorative word, making noises on their tables imitating one of the practices of her religion that consists of playing an instrument during the religious ceremony.
                It was not the first time Kethelyn suffered this kind of offense. His father told us she never thought Kethelyn was suffering this kif of offense because she was afraid of reporting this to him:

She was so unhappy and feeling bad about herself that she considered suicide. I think this is such an extreme thought and it makes us think about how mean and intolerant people can be
                 According to Leandro, she only received a call from the school and nothing else was done in order to stop the offenses. Hence, Leandro decided to tell the story of Kethelyn to a newspaper and the community became aware of the situation. Last month, the SEDHMI contacted him and offered psychological support to his daughter. She was, then, sent to a public hospital to start therapy.

              Now, the girl is considering to study in other school so that she can have a fresh start, hopefully in a better environment, as her therapist suggested.
              Besides working in partnership with the Department for Education, SEDHMI has also started to work with the Police Department, reporting to them the cases of religious intolerance. SEDHMI  is also studying set up a plan to tackle religious intolerance in the regions with high number of occurrences and, in the future, the Office of Human Rights and Politics for Woman and Elderly of Rio de Janeiro state also intends to develop a specific classification of the types of religious offense, which will allow authorities to act more effectively towards victims support and the prevention of new cases.

For more information, access the website of SEDHMI:

By Ingrid Mariz

Words Heal the World

Words Heal the World

Site internacional sobre extremismos ao redor do mundo. Essas são as matérias, em inglês, escritas por mim e publicadas no site.
