Anabeth Bostrup 님의 프로필

All the Things I Want to Eat

"All the Things I Want to Eat"
An exploration into my personal journey with food.
"Everything I Want to Eat" is the chronological tale of my struggle with an eating disorder through my high school years and into my college experience. Disguised as a cookbook, each "recipe" details a specific moment in my journey to today and how my relationship with food, both good and bad, has transformed over the years. The stories themselves as you will find, correspond with the proceeding image of a delectable meal. 

My intention with "Everything I Want to Eat", is to not only highlight the process of recovering from an eating disorder, but also shed light on an often stigmatized disorder. Everyone's relationship with food is different, and likewise, I have come to understand that every eating disorder is different as well. I also hope that for those who share in my experiences, they will see that while the process is constantly undulating, moving forward 
is always possible. 
All the Things I Want to Eat

All the Things I Want to Eat

Exploration of my relationship with food over the course of the past few years beginning in high school.
