HSBC Let's Golf Together

We introduced HSBC’s Hexagon using an influencer to create excitement amongst Singaporeans.
The influencer asked them to look out for the 3 questions coming up, which they can answer and reserve their spots on the HSBC Hexagon
to win big prizes on a chosen date.

We challenged fans to 1) count the golf balls in the image, 2) find the track that leads the caddy to the golfer and 3) to spot the difference between two images.  
Everyone who commented with the right answer are assigned a random spot on Phase 2 of the HSBC Hexagon.

The influencer hosted a Facebook Live video in which a golfer drives the ball towards the large HSBC Hexagon, 3 times.
On each drive, the triangle on which the ball stopped will be chosen as the winning piece. The name of the person that corresponded
with the number on the triangle, wins the prize.

HSBC Let's Golf Together