Perfil de Martin Joubert

Accidental Wes Anderson

To watch a Wes Anderson film is to be transported into a very particular, somewhat peculiar visual world: buildings that feature near-perfect symmetry, interiors that evoke a sense of faded grandeur, quirky patterns, and a vaguely off-kilter color palette of retro hues. The director’s twee touch is so well-defined and so instantly recognizable that it has influenced everything from filmmaking to fashion to interior design to baby showers—and, let’s face it, maybe even the aesthetic sensibility of an entire generation. Now the Wes Anderson aesthetic is influencing the internet, too, thanks to the subreddit /r/accidentalwesanderson
A real thanks to the /r/AccidentalWesAnderson subreddit, one of my favorite place on the internet. You can find the source of all the images used on this book here.

Please consider to leave a like on this project. Anyway have a lovely life!

Accidental Wes Anderson

Accidental Wes Anderson

Accidental Wes Anderson is a book "in hommage" to the famous movies director. Because of the growing popularity of the sub reddit dedicated to An Leer más
