Michele Mattei 的個人檔案

Italian elections, 2018 / Emotions analysis

600 minutes of speeches analyzed to understand moods, attitudes and emotional characteristics of the 4 main parties leaders during the 2018 italian general elections.


February 2018: during the last month of political campaign we wanted to have an analytical and detached approach to the debate, so with Andrea Gobbini (PentotalI coded in Python an application to investigate for us the moods, attitudes and emotional characteristics of Matteo Salvini (Lega Nord), Luigi Di Maio (Movimento 5 Stelle), Silvio Berlusconi (Forza Italia) and Matteo Renzi (Partito Democratico).

The application (based on the Beyond Verbal emotional analysis algorithm) reported every 10 seconds the emotions of the speakers based on four different features: 
Valence, from "negativity" to "positivity".
Arousal, from "tranquility/boredom" to "alertness/excitement". 
Temper, from depressive and gloomy moods, to friendly and embracive or domineering and aggressive moods.
Emotion indicator, from anger, sadness and neutrality to happiness and warmth


These are the outputs of the analysis:

Italian elections, 2018 / Emotions analysis

Italian elections, 2018 / Emotions analysis

600 minutes of speeches analyzed to understand moods, attitudes and emotional characteristics of the 4 main parties leaders during the 2018 itali 閱讀更多
