Kamikaze is the word that he uses to describe who he is. That his life is to serve a bigger purpose and with this portrait series I saw and tried to absorb through the lens his best qualities. 
Photographer: André Schrei
Being on the ground does not mean you have failed. Sometimes it's a matter des perspective.

Use your time on something you like is not wasted time, strive to perfect something you love is not in vain and your achievements shout from the rooftops is not vanity.

It's show that you value what you live and enjoy sharing what you feel. Demonstrating with small details that you can do while you give the opportunity to inspire others.

Do what you like because you enjoy it, because no one can do it for you and anyone around might appreciate it.
Completely surrender to passion can only give a positive result. It is more valuable a short life filled with moments that enjoyed a long life devoted to the satisfaction of others.
Any decision you make in life will be judged by someone, standing firm and smiling is something only you can control.

The reason why some people seem so happy and full of life is that no matter the situation in which they are known see up and move on.

Learning from them is the best you can do is smile when you need something that can become a habit.
Ironically, being humble will give you a lot more than most qualities. Enjoying simple things in life it’s more rewarding than getting what you want
Cada quién sabe valorar algo diferente, la belleza aunque objetiva, no todos la perciben y algunos se quedan en lo superficial, cuando hay mucho más que eso. —
Being alone is not be comfortable, but aware of the reality and comfortable with your decisions. Your body language shows despite being a state of mind.

There are two things that may engage easily; a look and the right words.A look can transmit desires, passions, goodness and virtues, all that a small interaction is incapable. But like words, can be misinterpreted by an the observer hidden desire.

It is not to interpret but to learn to enjoy what you have, not to idealize but appreciate the more obvious qualities, not expect anything but to estimate the small details.
Your body, in the end, is just the frame that encloses your potential. If all that is valuable encloses the frame will be a good complement, otherwise it will be like an empty box that eventually becomes useless.


This is a portrait series inspired in the passion to live as an individual and to give your best to achieve happiness.
