One aspect of Singapore that has held onto old-time tradition is its kopitiam culture (where “kopi” translates as the Malay word for “coffee” and “tiam” translates as the Hokkein word for “shop”). Even just the word “kopitiam” and its multilingual translation reflect Singapore’s diverse cultural history. The term “oi” is a common singlish term used to address a person. 

What makes Kopi different from the cuppas you find in cafes is the beans used to make it. Kopitiams use Robusta beans whilst cafes use Arabica beans. Robusta coffee has higher caffeine than Arabica which gives you that caffeine rush many older locals prefer, it also has a stronger taste.

When you ask for a takeaway coffee at the kopitiam, there are a few types of carriers you'd be given. I ended up focusing on the use of the plastic baggy because I liked the simplicity of it, it's also one of the most common carrier you can find because of its affordability to the drink stall owners which would make the package more distinct.
