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3 Reasons to Keep Learning During the Summer Months

3 Reasons to Keep Learning During the Summer Months

Summer is fast approaching.  School is almost over, and you can't wait to start a vacation.  Maybe you have a great vacation planned, or perhaps you are going to hang by the pool all day.  It is easy when school ends to want to sleep in and relax around the house. 
Don't sleep away your summer!  There are so many great things to do during the summer months where you can have fun and learn at the same time.  In fact, most of the time it won't feel like work because it is something interesting to you.  But the significant benefit is, keeping your brain active will give you an edge when you go back to school in the fall. 
While some students are taking a long time to get back into the routine of learning, your brain will be sharp and ready to learn.  Here are some of the reasons that you want to keep learning during the summer months.
Summer Math Loss
On average, students lose 2.6 months of math skills over the summer.  This is a significant problem in our schools.  Especially in high school where each year of math builds on the previous and remembering the formulas is essential. 
Many teachers spend the first half of the grading period working to catch back up the students, instead of being able to focus on the lesson plans for the current year.  Over time, students that routinely give up math for the summer months will fall further and further behind, and it can have devastating consequences for their future.
While many parents will have their kids read books over the summer, less will have them work on their math skills over the summer.  Kids who do work on math have a massive advantage in school and develop better studying habits that will carry over to college and throughout their careers.
Losing Foreign Language Skills
The most important part of studying a foreign language is speaking and practicing the language.  If you do not continue to explore the language, you will fall behind and have a difficult first half of the school year while you struggle to catch up. 
This can have a domino effect as you fall further and further behind.  If you came out of the school year struggling, hiring a tutor for the summer can help get you caught up and even ahead for the next year.  There are many fun apps that you can use that can help keep you fresh with your foreign language vocabulary, also many YouTube tutorials that even provide lesson plans to help you along the way.
Keeping Your Brain Active
It is easy to sleep in all summer and get what we call "mush brain."  You need to keep your brain active, and in a learning phase, so you will be ready for your next school year.  Limit the amount of time that you spend on the computer and phones playing games and try some brain stimulating activities.  Reading is a great way to expand your knowledge and vocabulary. 
You should try to read at least three books this summer.  If you already love to read, try writing.  You can keep a journal and write about your daily experiences.  Or you could try writing some short stories.  Get creative and take some art or music classes. Try having game nights with your family where you can play board games or do puzzles.
Get out and exercise which is great for not only your body but also for your mind.  You can even explore some new places in your hometown or city and check out some historical sites.  Many parks host some fun team games or get a group of your friends together to make your team.
Throughout your life, you will always learn new things.  The more you can exercise your brain, the faster you will pick up new skills. Habits that you develop while you are in school are the ones that tend to stick with you throughout your adult life and career. 
When you are thinking about what to do with your summer, think about picking up a summer job or internship which will help you with your learning.  Or even get involved with a local not for profit to do some work in your community.
Many great classes and day camps are available.  Many of the day camps offer a variety of classes and fun that will enrich your summer experience.
3 Reasons to Keep Learning During the Summer Months

3 Reasons to Keep Learning During the Summer Months


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