Profil appartenant à Vitor Maciel

BOHEMIA (Brazilian Beer Company)

Promotional goods. Graphic and Package design.
Peças para ações promocionais de Bohemia em PDV's diversos, como supermercados, bares e restaurantes, com abrangência nacional. / Graphic Design for prints and package for specific actions in supermarket's, bars and restaurants.
Beer package for Bohemia Confraria.
Package for the sale of two special Pilsen beer cups.
Package for the sale of two special Confraria beer cups.
Package for the sale of two special Escura (Dark) beer cups.
Package for the sale of two special Weiss beer cups.
Banners to be used in São Paulo's Municipal Market, communicating traditional values for the brand, wich goes along with the story of the place. It was built in 1926 and general food produtcts are sold there.
Poster about Bohemia's Instrumental Music Circuit. It happened in the cities of Brasília and Porto Alegre, with more than 20 different musicians giving concerts in the bars and restaurants that offers Bohemia as one of the best brazilian beers.
Supermarket display.
BOHEMIA (Brazilian Beer Company)
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BOHEMIA (Brazilian Beer Company)

Bohemia is the oldest brazilian beer, dated since 1853. I developed graphic design content for product packages and events wich gather gastronomy Lire la suite

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