The President

It’s late November 1963. It has been ten years since the pan-American idea became a reality. Great Unification of the Peoples of the Americas took place on 29. November 1953, and president for life Harold de Maria-Vargas and his wife are touring the young and vast empire. 

Air travel become dangerous since nuclear troposphere and stratosphere experiments took place in 1951. Vast pockets of super-low air pressure began to form randomly, rendering air travel practically impossible. Trains and ships are the main methods of moving goods and people. 

Tenth anniversary of the Great Unification was the ideal occasion for construction of brand new Presidential train. Special vehicle and 10.000 miles of maglev track were constructed for President de Maria-Vargas to travel the continents and greet the peoples of the Americas. 

The train became known as The President.
The President
The President
The President Layout
The President Living room
The President Bedroom
The President Lounge deck
The President Thorium reactor
The President Commemorative stamp on envelope
The President Commemorative stamp close up
The President

The President
