xu hanming's profile

brandesse ten year

How can a decade look like? (The production of a company is getting stronger / welfare is getting better / customer trust is getting higher, etc) Is that so? Only the one who experienced can know. So I asked some fellows who presents the most of the company’s past decade, (customers, non-customers, peers, non-peers) gave them a 10-word note to write down, to paint, what they thought, what they want to say or how’s their image look like in mind. I picked up more than a dozen notes from them. The “10” logo is obviously represents the meaning of a decade. And this logo’s design is based on the company logo.

十年是怎样的十年?(是公司出品越来越高/福利越来越好/客户信任度越来越高) 是这样的吗?答案(只有一起经历和见证过经过路过的人才能知道) 由此我找了对彰显十年最有话语权的几种人,(服务的客户  业内人  员工 非业内也非客户)给了他们一张10字的纸,让他们画出或者写出对彰显最真实 的印象和想说的话。我从他们里面挑选十多张进行了设计。

brandesse ten year

brandesse ten year

How can a decade look like? (The production of a company is getting stronger / welfare is getting better / customer trust is getting higher, etc) Read More
