Diana Valeanu 的个人资料

How to Design a High-Converting Email Newsletter

How to Design a High-Converting Email Newsletter [Infographic]
A well-done email newsletter is part of every successful website owner’s strategy. 

A good email newsletter helps you connect with an online audience, gather information about user needs and preferences and sell products direct to consumer—online. According to a recent report, as much as 82% of all companies use email marketing. There can be no doubt—if you aren’t using email newsletters, you are leaving a valuable tool on the table. 

But how do you create a stellar email newsletter that users will sign up for and look forward to receiving in their inboxes? 

Great email newsletters all have a few things in common, including a compelling headline, attention-grabbing images and well-written content. To ensure success, a great email newsletter also includes a clear call to action so that every person who opens the email knows what to do next. 

The following infographic is packed with tips to help you make the most of creating an email newsletter that people will read and be motivated to take action.
How to Design a High-Converting Email Newsletter


How to Design a High-Converting Email Newsletter

How to Design a High-Converting Email Newsletter
