Fernanda Beltráns profil

Ocean Acidification Poster

Ocean Acidification
Ocean acidification is caused by the uptake of atmospheric CO2 by the ocean, which changes the chemical composition of the seawater. Long-term observations of ocean acidification over the past 30 years have shown an average increase of acidity of 26 per cent since pre-industrial times, and at this rate, an increase of 100 to 150 per cent is predicted by the end of the century, with serious consequences for marine life. (WHO,2019)

· The poster ·
The poster was designed to create awareness of the fatal consequences ocean acidification has on marine life. It was designed based on the Swiss International Typographic Style 
· Thanks for watching · 
Design | Fernanda Beltrán
Reach me | febeltran9@gmail.com
Ocean Acidification Poster


Ocean Acidification Poster
