Yatyin 一言 C sin profilZhang Jiarui sin profil

Montblanc. Star Legacy. 始於此刻

Montblanc. Star Legacy. 始於此刻

始於此刻 Never start to stop. Never stop getting started
China is a starting country. Not only 81200 ventures are founded every week, the millennials in China are more brave to try something new than anywhere else in the world. We paraphrase the snowcap trademark on the Montblanc Star Legacy as symbol for a starting point, an idea, a mark. Thus the snowcap shaped rings of the guilloche are symbolic for how an idea grows.

Agency: Jung von Matt / Creative: Ben Teismann, Carrie Zhang, Sha Fan, Yat Yin / Photographer: Zack Zhang 張悅 / Film Director: 黃杏雨, 王希樂
Montblanc. Star Legacy. 始於此刻

Montblanc. Star Legacy. 始於此刻
