Mobile devices have become smart these days and that’s great. But they present one problem: distraction, leading to low productivity, a strict danger to the growth of offices.

Opus is a digital Office Identity Card that helps you operate better, communicate effectively. 

Placed intuitively around your neck, it gives you only the tools necessary to manage your day to day work in a connected office network. 

The device provides you with quick voice notes, calling and texting for smoother team work, becomes your partner during presentations, keeps a database for all your daily tasks and documents, and helps keep you focused by blocking out distractions.

And if that’s not enough, it connects with the Slate, an extension to itself.​​​​​​​

Mockup testing ranging from paper to 3D prints as well as Phone Tear-downs
The modules can be customised according to the user’s choice. 
Companies can customise their Opus to stand out from the rest.
This will be the "welcome kit" a new employee gets when he joins the company. 
Thank you for your time.
We hope you liked what you saw!

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about this project.

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