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Best Workout Recovery Supplements

This article was originally published on Jason Drewelow's Wordpress.

One of the most important times in regards to your fitness progress is the time immediately after and in between workouts. These times are almost as important to the actual time you spend in the gym because when you complete your workout, your muscles are lacking the key nutrients and have been broken down on the cellular level due to the stresses of the hard training. So, proper post-workout nutrition is vital to the beginning of the recovery process. Let’s take a look at a few of the best supplements for workout recovery.

Creatine is the naturally occurring compound that is already in the muscle cells. So, as you are training, creatine is being used to produce energy for muscle contraction. This means that the more creatine you have stored in your body, the longer and harder you can train. Along with that, creatine also pulls water into your muscles which helps to add size and volume. When you have completed a workout, your insulin sensitivity is elevated which allows your body to store more nutrients. When you take a creatine supplement and mix it with a simple sugar following your workout will allow you to use that insulin as a carrier so you can store more creatine than at any other time. The American Council on Exercise has regarded creatine as a safe option with only mild effects like dehydration being reported.

Whey Protein
When you are recovering from a workout, your body uses protein to build new muscle tissue and to stop the breakdown of the existing tissue that usually occurs during exercise. The faster you can assimilate protein, the sooner you can halt muscle wasting. This is why whey protein is the superior protein source. It can be digested quickly, and it will provide high amounts of essential amino acids which your body cannot produce on its own. So, when you have completed a workout, drink a shake that contains whey protein and creatine with a fast-digesting carbohydrate.

Sports Drinks
When you are exercising, your body is losing water and electrolytes due to perspiration. So, if your workouts are lasting longer than an hour, water alone might not be enough to rehydrate you properly. MayoClinic.com recommends that for extended workouts, you should replace water with sports drinks to acquire the needed electrolytes and glucose. You can also use sports drinks during your workout, but certainly after a workout to boost your recovery and performance.
Best Workout Recovery Supplements

Best Workout Recovery Supplements

Here's a video with the best supplements for recovering after a workout
