ReMind ADHD Awareness Campaign-Design For Good Project

Created By: Brad Liermann, Tatiana Vanegas, & Sierra Morrison
The main focus of our campaign is ADHD awareness along with educating parents about ADHD. Having a child with ADHD can be overwhelming, but the ReMind campaign gives parents the knowledge and support they need to make the right decisions for their families. This campaign is centered around sports and outdoor activities because physical exercise is one of the best treatments for children with ADHD.
This campaign included a large research phase because our group was interested in caused based design, informative graphics, and networking opportunities. As the research phase proceeded, surveys were given out to parents of ADHD children that asked questions regarding their child’s treatment options. Reviewing these surveys and talking with concerned parents provided the data our group needed to make the campaign successful. Ultimately, our group decided that the ReMind campaign would function best at school sporting events and parent teacher conferences. 
As a group, we went through multiple rounds of logo designs before creating our final logo mark. In our design process we narrowed down our logo concept and created a mark that would tell the story of our campaign. We wanted a logo that was open, but directional like the information our campaign provides.
Logo animations were created to be shared across social media outlets as a way to promote the awareness campaign and be shared amongst support groups. The logo animations are individualized depending on the sporting event and parent’s search results on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. The animation grabs parent’s and children’s attention and the link will take them straight to the ReMind website.
Posters were created for each sporting event to advertise for the campaign and direct parents to the ReMind website. These posters combine bright colors, active background patterns, and information about physical activities to grab children’s and parent’s attention while at school events.
Instagram mural walls were designed to connect the campaign with social media outlets and spread awareness for ADHD. The kids would pose in front of the silhouette figure and parents could post the photo on Instagram. By using the provided hash tag, parents and children can be apart of the on-line group and see what others have shared.
At the event there will also be informative pamphlets inside reusable water bottles given out to parents and children. These pamphlets provide parents with quick facts about ADHD, treatment options, and physical/emotional therapy options for children with ADHD. Parents can be reading over this information while at the sporting event and then they can visit the helpful ReMind links, on the back, when they get home. The reusable water bottle can be taken to multiple sporting events and acts as a reminder to parents that they always have support.
The ReMind campaign will have sponsored sporting events in the month of October (ADHD Awareness Month) and provide informative print materials, water bottles, book bags, buttons, and other fun prizes. Parents can talk one on one with ADHD experts at the event tent and sign up for support group meetings, events, and fund-raisers. This is a great way for the campaign to network with the community and launch support groups.
The ReMind website is the main information source provided by the campaign. The website has multiple tools to help parents guide through the information process, find local events, join a support group, or bring the ReMind campaign to their child’s school. The website uses encouraging phrases, imagery, and services so that parents feel less overwhelmed about making decisions for their children and family.
ReMind Logo Animation
ReMind Event Logo Animation 
ReMind Website Concept Demonstration 
ReMind ADHD Awareness Campaign-Design For Good Project