Asha Susan Alex's profile

A song by the Poltergeist - Upcoming Film

"A song by the poltergeist" is my upcoming animated short film which is about a Poltergeist who wants to experience motherhood. There are two main women characters in the film who empathize with eachother. 
The story is an adaptation from the poem " Poothapattu" by Eddaseri. 
Poltergeist who is supposed to cause havoc and danger in the poem; shows kindness and compassion in the film. 

Pootham is a folklore idol who appears dancing to the rhythm of drum- beats and  short pipes on every courtyard after the summer harvest.  
The grotesque figure is fully adorned with classic brass ornaments making a cluttering sound as it moves about. People are scared of the Pootham.

'A song by the Pootham/Poltergeist' is an adaptation of Edasseri's 'Poothapattu'

In my story, Pootham appears as a benevolent and lonely soul who yearns to experience motherhood. 

It is also a commentary about the caste and racial structures which are intrinsic to the communities across the world.
The Pootham's existence has been one lived in obscurity and lack of acceptance much like the minority communities.
The Pootham's character is delineated as a figure caught between the agonizing dilemma of an uncontrollable  need of tender emotions which stands in contrast with her uncanny  appearance coupled with the stereotypes that shackled her to the legends of a distant past.

Pootham Kali is an art form which happens every harvesting season.
Initial Designs - Based on the Dance form Pootham Kali
Simplification Included silhouettes and brainstorming of different shapes as well as sizes.
Unni - Character Design
Amma - Character Design
Character Design -  Pootham
Concept Art
Concept art
Pootham's house on the 'Paala' tree - Tree house designs
Tropical plants found in Kerala
The colors are based on the character's state of mind and point-of-view. 
The Pootham undergoes a mixed range of emotions from guilt to sadness to empathy.
The animation mainly focuses on the mindset of the characters and their emotions.
The cuts in the film are lead by the character's emotions.
A few line tests from the movie.
A song by the Poltergeist - Upcoming Film

A song by the Poltergeist - Upcoming Film

The story about a poltergeist who wants to experience the bliss of motherhood.
