BLANDITO. Transformable pad for lazy living
산업 디자인
the story of a prototype
blandito® comes from an idea. An idea and a few means: a fabric stockist, a do-it-yourself shop, an ironmongery, a sewing machine, a hammer, 2 sprays, a garden hose, 2 foam sheets, 20 eyelets, 8 kg of  polyester staple fiber, 4 tapestry wooden balls, 2 m of elastic cord, a lot of patience, fantasy, enthusiasm and sleepless nights.
This is blandito.

From a chat about the traditional living room, arose the idea to completely redesign the sofa morphology. Immediately a lot of sketches, thoughts, questions: if this sofa had no legs? Neither arms, nor back? If it was a big pillow? And if this pillow could be folded, wrapped, twisted as much as you like? And if it was 360° useful?

Here the result. From the concept, to the product.
Stop motion project by:
Art direction: Ilaria Pacini
Photography: Ilaria Pacini, Arianna Petrakis
Photo Manipulation and Video Editing: Ilaria Pacini
Sound Editing: Arianna Petrakis, Gloria Pizzilli

Audio from Mio Mao by Misseri Studio and Mad Mouse Movies
After a series of studying prototypes, blandito® became a limited production.
Any time you need a break, snooze or a little bit of sweet idleness, blandito® fits your body hugging it, yet retaining its shape and nature.
blandito® contains a flexible frame, making it soft and malleable.
Photography by Luca Nelli

 If you are interested in contacting us regarding our availability, you may reach us at:

If you want to see how Blandito evolved take a look at
Thank you for your attention!

All Copyrights of Oradariadesign 2012.
BLANDITO. Transformable pad for lazy living