The Koi Pond
In black & white with a splash of color
There's a Japanese garden in Seattle that not too many people know about. It's not huge, but it's big enough to make for a nice morning's walk on a summer day. In that garden is a koi pond, and that pond is huge. The koi that live in the pond are proportionally gigantic, and by that I mean that the fish were the size of small dogs.
Part of a huge field of lily pads in the pond.
This is Mr. Turtle.

Mr. Turtle resides in the enormous koi pond at the Japanese garden in Seattle. He's quite friendly.
Though there are several other shellbacks in the neighborhood, Mr. Turtle likes to hang out with the gargantuan koi that live in the pond with him. They, however, do not accept him as one of their own.

Grabbed this shot just a couple of feet directly above a literal feeding frenzy. The fish in this image are enormous, with some of them easily out-weighing a dachshund.
The Koi Pond

The Koi Pond

Images from a Koi pond in Seattle.


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