The city of Denver has a different meaning to each of its inhabitants. As someone who prefers a calmer atmosphere, but spends quite a bit of time downtown, creating this book was very helpful in determining just what the city means to me. Walking block to block in the summer trying to capture type from a new point of view, I hope I was able to communicate that through the pages of this book.

Over several weeks I was meant to take pictures throughout Denver of every interesting piece of type I could find, a task that at first seems difficult, if not a little boring. My mind was immediately changed as I had a hard time not taking too many photos while perspective of typography shifted. I needed every letter, ten digits, four symbols, and four ligatures, a total of 44 characters, put together in a printed layout to create a hand-bound book. I paired an inspirational quote from a historical figure with each character throughout the book, narrowing my search even further.
44 Characters

44 Characters
