A look inside the minds of America’s biggest skeptics
A format-driven manifesto for fringe beliefs
Most people think that conspiracy theorists are wackos on the fringe of society, but over 1/3 of Americans consistently endorse at least one conspiracy theory. Despite most of these theories being silly and easy to dismiss, they have a very real impact on our politics, media, and culture.
In this project, I delved into two of the strangest conspiracy theories and explored them from the point of view of the people who believe them. The two theories are: the Beatles are clones, and the Earth is flat. Each theory has its own interactive book, and both books are housed in a box with a pull-tab lid. When you pull the tab, the name and logo “Redacted” is revealed. Throughout this project, I sought to focus on storytelling and to transform the viewer into an active investigator—much like the people who have dedicated huge amounts of time to investigating these theories. The unique physical form of this project emphasizes the themes of transformation, evolution, and pushing through multiple layers of information to reveal material that was initially hidden.


An interactive exploration of conspiracy theories and fringe beliefs, shown through two experimental books housed in a pull-tab box. The unique p Read More
