We at Felicedenté hope to inspire children's imaginations. Being a kid is time to let your imagination loose, to dream of other worlds, and just have fun, but it is also a time to learn and build positive habits.

Some of those important habits involve dental hygiene, a topic that many kids would consider 'icky'! In particular, flossing: an area that even many adults struggle with. We hope to change all of that by providing kids positive experiences with flossing.

Instilling positive habits in children at a young age is the most effective way to ensure better dental hygiene throughout adolescence and into adult hood.

The name "Felicedenté" comes from taking the Spanish word for happily: "felizmente" and combining it with the French word for tooth: "dent". Choosing a name that would work well in all languages was important.

By creating characters that kids can relate to, based on animals that they are curious about helps them to build positive connections with daily flossing.

Young kids know it when they see it, primary colours are for them!  This choice of colour make it easier to kids and parents to be able to find the product on the shelves. Most dental products have packages that are white, blue and green. This will certainly stand out.

This packaging is much larger than most 1"X1/2" sized dental floss packets. Kids often do not have the same level of dexterity as adults, so this large box is made with their hands in mind.

The trapezoid shape of this box is designed to stand out on the shelf and to also better resemble the shapes of the animals.

Three languages are included on this package, making for a lot of text. The typeface "Open Sans" was chosen for the body copy, it is a typeface with high readability at small scale and is also a typeface with a large family and many glyphs, making it perfect for a project involving many languages. Open sans in particular is a very "happy" and Sprightly sans serif, making it better suited for an audience of parents and kids learning to read.  The header typeface is Sentinel, a slab serif. Slab serifs are often used in children's books, their defined forms make it easy for new readers to recognize letters. Sentinel in particular is very happy looking and is not as exaggerated as Clarendon. To differentiate the languages, colour contrasts were used this way no language is more prominent than any other.

If you take a stroll down the toiletries isle of a store you will see a lot of single use plastics. This is something we would like to break away from. The packaging is made of paper, with only one side glued down, a metal hook is used to cut the floss, and the floss in rolled onto a cardboard spindle. For sanitary purposes the roll of floss would be contained inside of a biodegradable plastic sac.

Felicedenté has chosen to include 3 languages on the packaging making it commercially viable on a more global scale. This inclusion also creates a space that encourages learning and exploration.

Meet the gang!
Three characters: Carmelita, Zara, and Pascale were created to be the mascots of Felicedenté. These animals are from around the world, and are very interesting animals.  Each of these animals has their own package design and dental floss flavour.

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Package design for kids dental floss

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