‘Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty.. ‘ – Lousia May Alcott

I made this illustration for my friend Nomi’s solo show, in Tel Aviv in November 2017 . We met in Tel Aviv during the opening of the plasticine art show in April, where our works were selected for a group show. And she hosted me and my friend when we went to Jerusalem. We were there for the Passover week, had Pesach dinner together and I understood a little bit about the history, rituals.
The illustration is made with clay/plasticine and depicts mostly my last decade, a transition from what was expected by the culture to pursuing what I aspired for.

With Nomi and her family in Jerusalem:
– The hands with henna are symbolic representation for wedding. The use of Henna is considered auspicious, and it is a customary for a bride according to Hindu scriptures.
– The book with Vedic charts, the planetary position and the stars are symbolic of horoscopes. and is used to predict the life lessons.

– The camera and the canvas depict my keen interest in visual story telling, film making, drawing and painting.

– The globe is to signify the people I met, from different culture, who have enriched my life. And gave me a perspective and the courage to look at things differently and to be true to myself.
Process image: Some portraits I tried before beginning to work with clay.
Heritage | Clay art

Heritage | Clay art
