Perfil de Nguyen Christ

Magento Pre-Order Extension

Magento Pre-order Extension
Magento PreOrder extension helps admin to manage preorder products or orders on the out of stock products.
- Only 1 action for activating extension: Activate the extension in front-end so that it will replace the “Add to cart” button
- Easy action to change status into “pre-order”: Control the quantity and status of “Pre-order” products in sales panel
- Control well quantity and status of pre-order products: When customers click “Pre-order” button, product will add to cart with description of Pre-order
- Add description for pre-order products: Every product can be changed into “Pre-order” product by “Pre-order” option in the back-end. Concurrently, you can attach brief description for “Pre-order” products that is shown in shopping cart
- Enable the “Pre-order” function for upcoming or out of stock products
- Adding “Pre-order” description shown on shopping cart page
- Specify video width and height
- Shown on all pages that have “add to cart” function (list page, product details page, categories page…)
- Item type is shown as “Pre-order” in managing page
- Item status is shown as “Pre-order” in order details page
- Auto-changing item status into “Shipped” when stock status is available
- Analyzing tool for customer’s needs
- Short description for pre-order product
- Well-managed “pre-order” products
- Auto- status changing when stock is available
Magento Pre-Order Extension
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Magento Pre-Order Extension

Magento #PreOrder #extension helps admin to manage preorder #products or #orders on the out of stock products.

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