This is a Jackalope called Tyler.
Like all Jackalopes, Tyler drinks whiskey. He's carefree and prioritizes having a good time over anything else.
He's arrogant and selfish. Everybody thinks he's a douche-bag. He's unemployed and will do anything to avoid working.
This is Rupert and he's a Peryton. They're half eagle and half deer. Perytons are rumoured to have caused the fall of Rome, and being over 2000 years old, Rupert was one of them.
Rupert is really intelligent to the point of it crippling his personality, and takes everything very seriously. He's having trouble finding his place in this world, so he's currently unemployed.
Tyler & Rupert

Tyler & Rupert

Got given a brief stating each student would be assigned two mythical creatures, of which we would have to use to create three images to contribu Se mer

