Profilo di Von Kirby Romo

The North Face Ad Banner

THE NORTH FACE BANNERS were designed for Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO), Immersive Skin, and Responsive Billboard units.

DCO allows the  advertisers to show different product based on certain conditions. In this case, the ads were made with a Weather-Based Targeting configuration. This means that products shown during rainy days will differ from products shown during sunny days.

The Immersive Skin unit uses a large lifestyle image of the product imposed over the sites background. A 970x250 banner features a carousel and the brand logo. This will move as the user scrolls over the site's content.

The Responsive Billboard unit shows a 1272x66 collapsible banner which expands to a 1272x328 unit upon clicking. It reveals a large banner showcasing the brand's other products when the user interacts with the images (e.g mouse hover). The aspect ratio of the banner will retain as the browser changes dimensions.
The North Face Ad Banner

The North Face Ad Banner
