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A Surprise Painting

My dearest friend Zoe, my younger sister and I decided to have an impromptu photoshoot in Zoe's back garden. We took about 200 photos but this picture really stood out to me. I mean I really love it. The colours, the confidence, the gaze. 

Zoe is vintage. She exudes it. If you met her you couldn't imagine her in anything else than pre 1960s fashion. She just OWNS it. I wanted to do her justice and portray the picture with a vintage poster feel. Apart from having a great sense of style, Zoe is also incredibly photogenic. I have so many pictures of her that are just incredible and I will definitely paint her again a some point.

I used the same concept of painting with in a limited time frame. I think I spent around 2-3 hours painting it. And also like the 30 min challenge, I picked 5 contrasting base colours to use. The purple acts as an excellent shadow that complements the muted green and striking red. Although I feel like I could have used just a little bit more of the purple to finish some outlines. Overall I think I could just tidy it up a bit here and there. Smooth down some lines, add some definition. I should do that with a lot of my pictures to be honest. I'll keep that in mind for my next project.

Zoe had no idea I was doing this for her until I sent it to her without an explanation. Just the picture. It probably one of the best reactions to my art that I have ever experienced which I can only describe as a beautiful key smash. She loved it and posted it on her vintage instagram page which is such an honor to me. You can check out her page here: @thevingtagegiraffe.

A Surprise Painting

A Surprise Painting

A vintage lady in a garden
