Профиль Grace Greason

Hand Lettering Workshop Poster & Social Media

As the Communications and Publicity chair for the AIGA chapter of Stevenson University, it was my responsibility to promote events. This hand lettering workshop was promoted with printed posters and flyers as well as on Instagram to encourage student attendance.

The design utilizes two textured and handwritten style typefaces. One is more feminine and typical of hand lettering trends, and the other is more masculine and less like a script font. Since this chapter of AIGA had an all-female board and mostly female members at the time, the goal was to not make the poster too feminine so that the event and the club would seem inclusive to all genders.
Hand Lettering Workshop Poster & Social Media

Hand Lettering Workshop Poster & Social Media

As the Communications and Publicity chair for the AIGA chapter of Stevenson University, it was my responsibility to promote events. This hand let Развернуть

