The Contrast:

Often, reality and imagination get muddled up. We don't know where the former stops and where the latter starts. It is important not to get it all twisted. If we cannot distinguish between 'what is' and 'what is not' at each point in time, lots of wrongs steps will be taken and many things will be misconceived.
Objectivity must be embraced. Everything has a nature which is its own. In order to see things for what they are in a noon-day clarity, we must seek to understand what their nature really is. The fight between reality and imagination is continuous. Biases, stereotypes, prejudices, misunderstandings; these are the everyday circumstances we will continue to face if imaginations and subjective opinions continue to cloud the true essence of things. Truth. Truth is the reality we must always seek.    
The Contrast

The Contrast

This work is titled 'The Contrast' because it is aimed at bringing attention towards all that can be caused when 'what is' is muddled up with 'wh Read More
