This project for my Sophomore: Graphic Design II
course was to first off, to familiarize oneself with
Shakespeare. From there we were to create audio-
book covers based upon his plays that would ulti-
mately exist on the iPod or iPhone platform. With
all audiobook covers designed we then had to pick
one of the plays and create new covers that would
change along with the changing acts and scenes as
the user was listening to the book. And finally we
had to promote the play with a theatrical poster.
Final newsprint, 18" x 24"
Audiobook : Covers.
Audiobook : Othello : Scenes.
Poster study.
Final poster.
Shakespeare Covers

Shakespeare Covers

This project for my Sophomore: Graphic Design II course was to first off, to familiarize oneself with Shakespeare. From there we were to create a 자세히 보기
