Absolut WordPress and Social Marketing

In this group project we were required to develop a social marketing strategy for the Absolut One Source Live Festival celebrating their Pan-African movement, as well as.build a responsive one-page wordpress website.
Absolut Vodka pride’s itself on  being a locally sourced company with a huge global market, as well as being socially aware and heavily involved in the arts and culture.  
Their brand image is clean, pure,  and flawless, as it can incorporate all styles and 
trends throughout time.

Absolut initially brought the idea  of One Source to their brand to  emphasize
 their unique quality of being locally sourced. This led to a campaign in Africa, 
where the source of humanity is and thus, of creativity. It turned into a music 
and arts festival that encompassed African pride, sparking a creative revolution.
Absolut WordPress and Social Marketing