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Gift of Life Branding

The Gift of Life is a marrow registry for blood cancer. There are slim chances for a patient to find a donor. To promote this registry successfully, I decided to use the statistics and harsh facts for a reality shock. First the registry needed an identity to show the legitimacy and trustworthiness of the company. Next a few promotional/exposure items were needed. A letter opener and a pen that can be borrowed or lost. The button pin is timeless and is advertisement as a mini walking billboard. The "Ive Swabbed" sticker is another walking billboard that can be  a bumper sticker. The sticker is to be treated as a slogan or hash tag trend. The water canister is another promotional item for purchase to support the cause. The "Ive Swabbed" is incorporated into the guerilla to show how easy it is to get involved and become a donor. The rack card is intended to interact with our viewers emotion and feel like they can be a match. The logo was created to look friendly, but serious as the other three corners are not rounded. The "I" has been replaced with a swab placing the importance of becoming a donor. Helvetica Rounded was the typeface used to create an inviting feel.
Gift of Life Branding