Nina Cristobal's profileJason Alegado's profile

Alegado Foundation — A Non-Profit Rebranding

Alegado Foundation

Client: Jacinto-Gaudiosa Alegado Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit

Project Type: Brand Identity + Social Media Planning + Website Makeover

Deliverables: brand strategy, brand identity, Instagram content planning & content creation, website design

Software Used: Illustrator, Photoshop, Instagram, UNUM, WordPress

Collaborator(s): Jason Alegado

The Jacinto-Gaudiosa Alegado Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to increasing medical and educational access to remote areas of the Philippines. Founded by a group of healthcare professionals now based in the United States, the non-profit aims to uplift barangays (Philippine neighborhoods) whose resources are often cut off by regional violence and guerrilla warfare on neighboring islands. Its founders named the foundation in honor of their grandparents, Jacinto and Gaudiosa Alegado, whose roles in their respective neighborhoods embodied the spirit of uplifting one’s local community with education and medicine.
The non-profit initially brought me onboard to build a new website; however, after our first couple of meetings, the leadership team and I realized that the organization would benefit more from a full brand overhaul. My role consisted of two main tasks: tell the non-profit’s story, and implement organizational strategies to effectively prepare the raw content for better storytelling.

Seven months into the project, the Alegado Foundation caught the attention of the Jollibee Family Values Awards, an awards series hosted by major Philippines-based fast-food chain Jollibee. Nominated to be a potential recipient of the OFW (overseas Filipino worker) Family of the Year Award, the Alegado Foundation was asked to submit materials explaining the organization’s work and impact. The leadership team submitted the story I built with my original copy and content, and a few weeks later, the organization received the news that they were officially selected to be a recipient of the 8th Annual Jollibee Family Values OFW Family of the Year Award!

The new Instagram features: ​​​​​​​
– Maps and photos explaining what Alegado Foundation is and what inspired it
– Colorful countdown posts building exposure for upcoming projects
– Infographic posts sharing the results of projects
– Journal-inspired photos from projects
– News clips highlighting events relevant to the organization’s regions and topics of focus

The new website design features:
– A responsive, mobile-friendly layout with clear content sections
– A bold color palette inspired by the oceans of the Philippines and the flag of Tawi-Tawi, a key region of focus for the organization’s work
– WordPress content management system (CMS) integration, to allow the client to easily add new projects and progress updates to the website as blog posts
Alegado Foundation — A Non-Profit Rebranding

Alegado Foundation — A Non-Profit Rebranding

An Instagram campaign for a non-profit featuring custom graphics and brand copywriting.
