Typography has movement. Motion was created to showcase this movement. To capture this long exposure photography has been incorporated as the main element of the typeface. This style of photography blurs the subject as it moves. The subject, in this case, are metallic beads, that create lines of light, once their trajectory has been captured via long exposure. These lines were used to carry the eye throughout the typeface. It encourages the viewer to look at the anatomy of Motion, while the flow of light connects the alphabet to each other. The Dissolve typeface was used as a template to assist in creating Motion. The slicing of dissolve encourages the moving light is disappear and reappear in a very structured way. Forcing the light to form or remove different parts of letter anatomy. The light forms axis’s or removes crossbars. Motion aims to inspire different way to look at type and improve a viewer’s appreciation of photography and typography.
Motion Typeface

Motion Typeface

Typography has movement ­ Motion was created to showcase this movement. To capture this long exposure photography has been incorporated as the ma Read More
