My Problem is that people specially from age of 15 to 25 sleep late due to scrolling on social media and sitting on their mobiles even if they are sleepy. Moreover it is discovered that the light coming from the mobile screens has the potential to influence our sleep as studies have shown that the blue light emitted from mobile screens may inhibit the production of melatonin a hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle or circadian rhythm. Reducing melatonin makes it harder to fall and stay asleep.
Also another study says that people should stay at least one hour before bed time without phone and to relax.
Therefore I decided to make a device that has an alarm, a computer and an air freshener.
First people will set the time of their sleep, so 2 hours before this time the alarm of the device will ring to alert the person that 2 hours are left for his/ her bed time and by an application it will automatically put the blue light filter of the mobile’s screen then after one hour if the person didn’t shut their mobile phones, the device will be programed to force the mobile to shut down till the following day and sprays the smell of Lavender as they have chemicals that are both rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream also they lowers the heart rate and reduces anxiety.
finally, I will make the screen of the computer also always have the blue light filter as it won’t influence the user and the device itself will be in the shape of a pillow to give you the feeling of the softness and comfort that you feel when you lay your head on the pillow to sleep and it will be in black as it symbolis- es the darkness and to fit in the atmosphere of the device and it’s properties. 
Sleeping Device


Sleeping Device
