Deidhre Blue's profile

"Object identification"

"A modern and a material portrait from XXI century".
I've found all the objects and stick it on the masks made by me. 

Poland, 2017-2018.
Since the beginning the analog photography was used to make portrait photos of people or families. The goal was to capture that moment alive and hand down it to the future generations. 
I've met a lot of interesting people in my experience abroad and I was thinking 
to take a portrait photos of them, but not in a simple way.

Polonia 2017-2018.
Fin dall'inizio la fotografia fu utilizzata per fare ritratti familiari o semplici ritratti.    L'obbiettivo era quello di immortalare quel momento vivo e tramandare quel ricordo 
ai posteri. Serviva a ricordare quella fugace gioventù, quell'unione familiare ai posteri.
Ho incontrato molte persone durante la mia esperienza all'estero e al termine di questa volevo ricordarli attraverso delle foto, ma ho deciso di farlo in maniera diversa. 
Ricordare loro attraverso gli oggetti che per me l'identificano.
Pablo, Spain.

-Masks made by me. 
-Remember these people through material objects that identify them to me.
Gabrielle, France. 

-Mask made by me. 
-Remember these people through material objects that identify them to me.

Ana, Portugal.

-Mask made by me. 
-Remember these people through material objects that identify them to me.
-Mask made by me. 
-Remember these people through material objects that identify them to me.
"Object identification"

"Object identification"
