Màrian Matas is a veterinarian specialized in Ophthalmology. The assignment was to create a professional brand for a professional target audience.
The general concept with which one began to work was the combination of Veterinary with Ophthalmology. In addition to the concepts: medicine, technical, professional, scientific, ... for which color and typography were determined. A blue color desaturated with a dark gray and a sans serif geometric typography.
The typographic part of the brand is built in a block in a high box, with the name highlighted in a weight greater than the specialization. But always in block to highlight the human and personal part. A fundamental requirement was to combine the brand with the own brand of specialization (EBVS®) with its own typography and layout. For this combination, different provisions of the brand were created with different combinations according to the need of each application.
The symbol is born from the union of the initials of Ophthalmology and Veterinary. A monogram that, when constructed, draws us a completely geometric and technical eye.
Màrian Matas

Màrian Matas
