Jessica Uttley's profile

Nail Salon Branding

Tee's Nail NV & Salon
Logo Redesign / Branding Refresh
The Need:
Tee's is a popular nail salon and small business in Southern Ontario that has built a reputation for great service and trendy nail art over the last 15+ years. While they offer a wide range of products and services, what makes them unique is the beautiful nail art they consistently deliver. Because Tee's is a small, family run business, they had never had any assistance with a logo, branding or identity and they were in dire need of something that spoke to their success.

The Solution:
There are a few key things that makes Tee's stand out from other salons: the cleanliness, the relaxing atmosphere and the fun nail art. In order to showcase these things within the brand itself, I designed the logo with clean lines and geometric shapes to give it a more high-end and modern feel. The colour palette was chosen with the intent to invoke both relaxation and a bit of fun - the hues are playful but muted so as not to be too jarring. The logo mark itself actually mimics the shape of a nail as a homage to the main attraction of the salon - as well as to be an art peice 
Nail Salon Branding

Nail Salon Branding
